
Article Submission Charges (ACs), Article Processing Charges (APSs) and Reprints

Until 2018, Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty, Jenderal Soedirman University is committed to support Omni-Akuatika journal to keep its open access publication policy with No Article Submission Charges (ACs) and No Article Processing Charges (APSs).

Omni-Akuatika publishes all feature publication (research paper, review, short communication, etc…)  in full open access format in order to provide the scientific community and the general public to access all content published in Omni-Akuatika journal for free as soon as it is published on the Web.

Our ultimate goals is to disseminate immediately worldwide open access contents of Omni-Akuatika the best interests of the scientific community.

However, reprints of published article and the printed journal are charges. Reprints can be ordered separately and optionally for any article that has been published in Omni-Akuatika. To request an offer for reprints of an article or printed journal, please send an e-mail to omniakuatika.unsoed[at]gmail.com


We would like to inform that submission in Omni-Akuatika and all publishing process is now migrating to the Open Journal Systems management and publishing platform (www.ojs.omniakuatika.net).
For those who have submitted their paper before September 2016, we will take the necessary measure for being intregated in OJS system.
Agung Dhamar Syakti
Editor-in-Chief Omni-Akuatika

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