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VARIABILITAS FAKTOR LINGKUNGAN PADA HABITAT IKAN LEMURU DI SELAT BALI MENGGUNAKAN DATA SATELIT OSEANOGRAFI DAN PENGUKURAN INSITU Eko Susilo Balai Penelitian dan Observasi Laut, KKP Jl. Baru Perancak, Negara - Bali 82251. E-mail: ekosusilo@kkp.go.id ABSTRACT Lemuru (Bali sardinella) is the main fishes catch in Bali strait, which is not found in other Indonesia waters. The objectives of this studyare to identify the variabilities of the environment factors on lemuru habitat in Bali Strait by using the oceanography satellite data and insitu measurenment. Daily and Monthly MODIS data were used to know the environment variabilitiesin the purse seine fishing ground. We also collect in situ measurement to describe the water quality condition in the area of study during 2011. Based on monthlyMODIS data during 2002-2010, Sea Surface Tempareatue (SST) and Sea Surface Chlorophyl–a (Chl–a) had great variability and were influenced by moonsonal season. There are a good relationship with fish monthly lemuru catches. Bali Strait induced indirect upwelling process that took placein southern part of straits. This process bring up the water containing high nutrient concentration, low temperature and high salinity. Based on daily MODIS data in 2011 showed that lemuru fishing ground occurredatsalinity, SST and Chl–aaround34-35 psu, 25–26,5oC and 0,25–0,65mg/m3. Both of them have not significant relation due to fish abundance in the waters. The plankton composition in the purse seine fishing ground was dominated by diatome and dinoflagelata for fitoplankton, crustacea and ciliata for zooplankton with copepode (calanoid) composititon between 50-85%. Keywords: lemuru, environmental variability, MODIS 5371 Downloads so far. |
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