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DISTRIBUSI DAN POLA PERTUMBUHAN UDANG PUTIH (Penaeus merguiensis de Man) DI EKOSISTEM MANGROVE PERCUT SEI TUAN SUMATERA UTARA Miswar Budi Mulya1), Dietriech G Bengen2), Richardus F. Kaswadji2) dan Etty Riani2) 1) Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Sumatera Utara ABSTRACT White Shrimp (Penaeus Merguiensis de Man) can be found almost in all Indonesian waters especially in mangrove ecosystem ranging from river mouth, coastal water, to open sea depends on their life stages. A research has been done within 12 months from January to December 2010 in Percut Sei Tuan North Sumatera aimed to study spatial distribution of organism based on sex, size class, and gonad maturity of female shrimp and to determine correlation of biophysical and chemical characteristics of mangrove ecosystem with White Shrimp population structures. The correlation can be used in analyzing important parameters influencing abundance, spatial distribution, and growth pattern of the organism. Habitat characteristic of white shrimp in each station as analyzed using Principal Component Analysis while spatial distribution is analyzed using Correspondence Analysis. Research results show that white shrimp caught in Station 1 to 5 has smaller size compared to that in Station 6.The abundance of mature female in this station is also higher which is principally determined by high water temperature, depth, high water salinity, high substrate salinity, high water pH, and high sand substrate. Growth pattern of White Shrimp in mangrove ecosystem of Percut Sui Tan is allometric negative. Keyword: distribution, growth pattern, white shrimp, mangrove ecosystem 3324 Downloads so far. |
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