
OmniAquatika  is an open access journal and a schollary referred journal which aims to promote the theory and practice, innovation, engineering and management as well as social-economic relevant in fisheries and marine sciences fields. The main  aspects of research areas include, but are not exclusive to the current research on cells, organisms, populations, ecosystems, or processes that affect aquatic systems in the field of fisheries and marine science. The journal also welcome  other aquatic relevant aspect  related to the transport, fate, control of nutrients and abatement of pollutants in the aquatic environment as well as the ecosystem rehabilitation.

The authors and readers are students, scientists, and regulatory experts from the academic, industrial, and government sectors worldwide. Master thesis and part of dissertation research work might  becoming the potential contributors.

High-quality, research articles make up the primary content. Other contributions are short communications, reviews, and special issues. Before contributions are accepted for publication, they must pass a peer-review process managed by the editor-in-chief.




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