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Agung Dhamar Syakti
Editor-in-Chief Omni-Akuatika
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Eddy Soekendarsi1)
1)Jurusan Biologi, FMIPA UNHAS. Email Diterima 20 Oktober 2012; disetujui 1 November 2012
The research on the potency and the morphometric size of the bivalva at the fish landing sites has be conducted during September 2012. The purposed of the research was to conducted the information of the morphometric size of the bivalva at the fish landing sites and sold to the customer. The result showed that the correlation resulting of the three clams between shell length, width shell and the umbo showed positive allometric. The same correlation result also appeared at the three clams between length shell, total weight and flesh weight as a positive allometric.
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EDITOR IN CHIEF Dr. Agung Dhamar Syakti Marine Pollution and Bioremediation, Jenderal Soedirman University - Indonesia SCOPUS preview profile |
ASSOCIATE EDITOR Dr. Hamdan Syakuri Fish Diseases, Jenderal Soedirman University - Indonesia SCOPUS preview profile |
ASSOCIATE EDITOR Dr. Norman Arie Prayogo Fish Reproductive Biology, Jenderal Soedirman University - Indonesia SCOPUS preview profile |
ASSOCIATE EDITOR Dr. Maria Dyah Nur Meinita Algal Biotechnology, Jenderal Soedirman University - Indonesia SCOPUS preview profile |
Alamat Redaksi : Kampus Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Jl. Dr. Soeparno, Karang Wangkal, Purwokerto 53122 Telp : (0281) 642360 / 7607433 Fax : (0281) 642360 Email : omniakuatika.unsoed[at] website : |