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bingkai bambu pengganti poket net dalam pemeliharaan anakan kerang mutiara, Pinctada maxima

Pitjont Tomatala

Program studi Teknologi Budidaya Perairan,

Politeknik Perikanan Negeri Tual. E-mail : pitjont_82@yahoo.com


The purpose of this research is to assess benefit use of bamboo frame instead of pocket net in rearing of pearl oyster spat. The study has been conducted from April – July 2014 at Sathean sea, Kai Kecil island. Pearl oyster spat was settled on the collector stringed to bamboo’s frame and pocket net then sacked and rearing in raft with depth 1 – 2 m. Each four weeks, we determined the survival rate and growth of spat. Survival rate percentage of spat rearing use bamboo frame was 66.02 % and range growth 0.94 – 0.992 cm while spat of pocket net percentage survival rate 66.5 % and growth range 0.93 – 1.007 cm. When comparing their performance, through the T test bamboo frame and pocket net uses have the same influence concerning survival rate and growth in rearing of pearl oyster, P. maxima spat.

Keywords : Bamboo, Rearing, Pinctada maxima

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